Friday, September 23, 2011

Kitchen Art

I found this vintage script online and thought it would be a beautiful accent in my kitchen so I decided to print it out and frame it as art. I loved that some of the script was turquoise.

I had a 5 x 7 dark brown frame lying around begging to be used, so I painted it off white. Doesn't it look lovely?

** TIP ** It's always a good idea to keep a selection of frames on hand, because you never know when inspiration will hit. You can usually find tons of older small picture frames at yard sales for less than $1.
I also had some tin frames that I had purchased from the Dollar Tree that were a rust color. I painted them with Rust-Oleum's  Heirloom White spray paint. (This color is no longer available, I'm sorry to say, as it was the perfect off white color. If any of you have found a similar color replacement, please let me know).

In the photograph below I used one of the above-mentioned frames to frame a piece of scrap book paper that had a similar design to the script above. I added the believe and dream words using a stamp and ink pad.

Now I have two one-of-a-kind art pieces for just a few dollars. I think they are perfect additions for my small kitchen.

What are some creative ways you have used to make art for your home?

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