Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year! Welcome 2010!

I have decided to welcome this wonderful New Year by creating this blog in order to share with all of you more than forty years of innovative low-cost decorating tricks and techniques. I first learned the art of Centsible Chic decorating as a young mother and army wife living on a shoestring budget when money was tight but creativity was flowing and FREE!! You might say I had no choice but to learn to "improvise, adapt, and overcome" on the decorating front in true military fashion.

I perfected the art of bargain hunting. I purused garage and rummage sales, clearance racks, and thrift stores. I looked for pieces of used furniture and other decor items that others were throwing out or selling and learned to update, refinish, refurbish and repurpose them, thus developing a unique trash to treasure "Centsibly Chic" decorating style that has stayed with me throughout the years, even after the money started flowing. What can I say, it's just plain FUN!!!

As with every new year, 2010 brings with it New Year's resolutions, and the struggle to not only make them, but also to stick with them. So what better way to reinforce these goals than to share them with all of you. So here goes... 

GOAL # 1: To improve my skills on my computer and master all this new technology that has become such an integral part of daily living. (My grandson insists that I am technologically challenged!)

GOAL # 2:  To finally learn to use my new digital camera that my daughter bought me for Christmas (...two years ago) and get all of my decorating projects documented.

GOAL #3:  To complete all my patiently waiting, space-taking, unfinished decorating projects (all my "trash to treasure" finds) that I put off completing in 2007...2008...2009 (I think you get the picture here).

GOAL #4:  To share my techniques, tricks and tips with others (especially in the current economy) so that others can also create a peaceful and inviting space in which to live, grow, and prosper in the coming years, and do so while tapping into your own creative spirit and spending much less. 

I have learned that when you are surrounded by things you love and have created, it uplifts you and provides you with a true sense of home.  No matter how small your budget, you too can create a welcoming and beautiful space that you love to be in, look forward to coming home to, and hate to leave. So I invite all of you to join me in this adventure.

Look around, stay awhile, and learn much. Come back often as I plan to update the site with pictures and how to's several times each week. I also look forward to hearing from you and seeing your Centsibly Chic decorating masterpieces.

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